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Will I be charged for an incoming call from the U.S. while I am on easy roam in Italy?

  • September 29, 2022
  • 1 reply

Hi there,

I’m in Italy using Easy Roam and expecting an incoming call from a U.S. number. I don’t usually get charged for these calls in Canada, but will I be charged for this call while I am on Easy Roam in Italy?

Best answer by Sophia

Incoming calls are always considered “local” no matter where you are, or no matter who the caller is. So no extra charge in that case - just the regular Easy Roam fee.

It would be different if you called the US from Italy, because only calls to Canada and Italy itself are included with Easy Roam.

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  • Mobile Master
  • September 29, 2022

Incoming calls are always considered “local” no matter where you are, or no matter who the caller is. So no extra charge in that case - just the regular Easy Roam fee.

It would be different if you called the US from Italy, because only calls to Canada and Italy itself are included with Easy Roam.