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Double tax charge in the bill?

  • November 28, 2022
  • 1 reply

kathy bien

Hi everyone, I just made a purchase last night online with Koodoo for the deal of $45/month  ( reg. $65) to buy a S22. But the bill is kinda confused me. It is like below. Is that mean I have to pay $74.75 (plus tax again so it is will be around $86)?!!! Meanwhile I have have been charged for 15% tax above ( $65 plan + $ 20 tab). This is my first time buy Koodoo phone plan.

Sub total $85.00
HST (15.0%) $12.75
Monthly bill credit (24 months) -$23.00
Total due each month $74.75
(plus applicable taxes and fees)
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Allan M
  • Mobile Master
  • 12287 replies
  • November 28, 2022

The only thing that I see missing from that is the 911 fee which would be less than $1 which is likely the extra tax/fee that they’re referring to.
If you get double taxed on your next bill let us know and we’ll flag a rep to make the necessary adjustments.