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Call Forward Variable lets you customize the number of times your phone rings or the length of time elapsed before the call is forwarded to your voicemail.

The number of seconds before forwarding can be determined by multiplying the number of rings by 5. For example, 6 rings x 5 = 30 seconds before forwarding.

There are two methods available, so try both to see which one works for your device.


Method 1

  1. To activate: * 61 * (Voicemail Access Number) ** (Number of seconds) # then press SEND
  2. To deactivate: # 61 # then press SEND

Example: *61*16475804001**5# then press SEND
Note: Timer value must be in increments of 5 to a maximum of 30

Method 2 

  1. To activate: * 004 * (Voicemail Access Number) ** (number of seconds) # then press SEND
  2. To deactivate: # 004 # then press SEND

Example: *004*16475804001**5# then press SEND
Note: Timer value must be in increments of 5 to a maximum of 30



  • This is not compatible with Smart Hubs, including Wireless Home Phone devices.
  • Samsung phones do not support Call Forward Variable.


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