I changed my plan with Koodo to include more data. Prior to doing so, I was able to receive many visual voicemail and leave them in my voicemail of my iPhone.
After my plan update, if I have more than 10 messages that I listened to in my phone visual voicemail, the next call I get results in the caller getting a message that my mailbox is full. I listened to all of the messages and the mailbox should not be full. It’s as if the messages are not clearing from the Koodo mailbox.
The only option I can find is to delete my visual voicemail messages which is inappropriate. I already listened to the messages and want to keep some for archive purposes.
I tried deleting every single message from my visual voicemail, then I used a different phone to leave messages. After 10 voicemails, I get a message on my phone that my mailbox is 100% full. I listened to each of the 10 visual voicemail messaages. When I call from a different #, I receive a message that the mailbox is full. I already listened to the 10 messages that were in my visual voicemail so I don’t understand why my mailbox would be full. It’s as if the Koodo system does not clear the voicemails that I already listened.
i use an iPhone 13 Pro.