Koodo Community


  • 28 October 2023
  • 7 replies

Why is Koodo instructing people to use “aliasredirect.net” as the setting for MMSC?

Unsecured http? 

When I clicked the link on my phone’s browser, I was redirected to a malicious software scam called Tor.jack Malware. 

Also, my data service stopped working when I used these settings. 

Can somebody explain what Koodo is thinking with regards to the MMSC link in particular? Insight about the other settings would be appreciated too. 

Thank you. 


To get to the APN settings, please do the following on your device:
From the home screen:
Tap Settings
Tap Mobile networks
Tap Access Point Names
Tap the Menu button
Tap New APN
Then enter the following information exactly as shown:
Field Entry
Name Koodo
APN sp.koodo.com
MMSC http://aliasredirect.net/proxy/koodo/mmsc
MMS Proxy mmscproxy.mobility.ca
MMS Port 8799
MCC 302
MNC 220
APN type default,supl,mms



Best answer by Dinh 28 October 2023, 23:54

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Userlevel 7
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MMS isn’t an “encrypted” service though.

However, your phone web browser might be compromised with a “Scam pop-up” . I would recommend you look into that https://support.google.com/websearch/thread/136554441/help-finding-removing-tor-jack-virus-a-list-of-others-not-detected-by-malwarebytes-kaspersky?hl=en

If possible, could you post a snapshot of your current APN here? Hide/delete all personal information before posting please.

Thank you. It may be a scam pop-up. When I tried it again on my phone another malware pop-up appeared.  Maybe I do have a virus?  I may be able to post a screen shot. A bit too many steps, but I’ll try.  On my computer it redirects to a domain name seller.

Also in the email, it shows the APN as “sp.koodo.com”, but the actual hyperlink is “sp.koodo.com/”.  Would that cause my data to stop working?


The links in the email, when copied, include “http://” for the APN and MMS Proxy. Different from what is displayed. That may have caused me to lose data service.

Also, there is no “Lock” in the new APN, unlike the “default” Koodo APN already on my phone.

Are there more errors in the “updated” email than the one that was initially sent in error?

Userlevel 7
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Thank you. It may be a scam pop-up. When I tried it again on my phone another malware pop-up appeared.  Maybe I do have a virus?  I may be able to post a screen shot. A bit too many steps, but I’ll try.  On my computer it redirects to a domain name seller.

Also in the email, it shows the APN as “sp.koodo.com”, but the actual hyperlink is “sp.koodo.com/”.  Would that cause my data to stop working?

You could follow this google guideline to remove the pop-up malware. https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/2765944?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DAndroid You could also uninstall chrome and reinstall it.

Regarding the APN, I am not sure which email you had from Koodo. Here is their official instruction page from Koodo https://www.koodomobile.com/en/help/setting-data-your-non-koodo-phone

Thank you for the links. I’ll check out the Google one.  I was aware already of the “update” page on Koodo. 


Regarding the email, Koodo first sent me an “email version” of the page above. Unfortunately there was an error in a URL.

They sent a “correction” email on October 27th, but it appears they did not check that the hyperlinks when pasted were the same as what was displayed. Poor attention to detail by someone in IT apparently.  I had to figure it out myself. 

I appreciate your time and suggestions. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Thank you for the links. I’ll check out the Google one.  I was aware already of the “update” page on Koodo. 


Regarding the email, Koodo first sent me an “email version” of the page above. Unfortunately there was an error in a URL.

They sent a “correction” email on October 27th, but it appears they did not check that the hyperlinks when pasted were the same as what was displayed. Poor attention to detail by someone in IT apparently.  I had to figure it out myself. 

I appreciate your time and suggestions. 

It was strange to hear  Koodo sent APN via email and and mixed that up.

As of now, is your data working? Which phone are you using? have you tried to reset network settings of the phone to see if that can automatically setup for you?