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I got my girlfriend and I a shared plan a few years ago,  I switched to another provider for a while but she had a tab to pay so she stayed with koodo. I would like to switch back to koodo and migrate the number. When I try to migrate my phone number back to koodo it seems to use my old number for the account, I'm not sure where I can change this either.

@Semidu When you say your trying to migrate (port over) your number does that mean you have already purchased a Koodo SIM and have in your hands? 

No, I get to the shipping step, it wants me to confirm the information is correct before proceeding, the information is not correct. It's using a phone number that hasn't been mine since before I originally joined Koodo in like 2017..  I'm not sure where I can find this information to change it

How are you ordering a new line? Are you ordering through your gf's account or are you signing up 100% new?

If you are signing up 100% are you logging in in some way before hand (you shouldn't)? 

Through her account, our accounts were joined when we started at koodo. The account is under my name

Through her account, our accounts were joined when we started at koodo. The account is under my name

Assuming that is the temporary number you see, it should not be a problem. You can add the new line to the account and port over your own number once you receive it in the mail.