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Koodo Community

Hi there, I placed an order online on Jan 3/2022 for a phone and plan, but received an email saying the order was cancelled as something couldn’t be validated. I was not contacted for any additional information aside from the email indicating the order was cancelled. I requested a callback, but the representative hung up on me once I got through. Can someone please assist me in getting more information as to why my order (HFO**) was cancelled? 


**hidden order number

I have flagged a rep to hopefully provide some insight into that :) 

Hi @Mleest 

We checked with the webstore team and it looks like the info provided for the credit check couldn’t be validated.

This may happen due to a mismatch, such as name, address, date of birth, credit card etc, that leads to a failed credit check, consequently to the order cancellation.

We recommend contacting TrasnUnion or Equifax for more details.