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A person made a post in another forum who is also a Koodo prepaid customer.   When they went to buy a data booster yesterday,  it says on the website that data boosters expire after 30 days! However, elsewhere on their site it still says they do not expire. 

is Koodo planning to change the expiry date of boosters (As Public Mobile already has) to 30 days, or have they already?


That is a good question. I will ask our Koodo liaison. I hope not, non expiring boosters is the one thing Koodo prepaid makes it stand out so much!

@RussKoodoo - Unfortunately, your picture is a little too small for us to view. Can you please share the link of where you saw this mentioned?


The comment about the boosters is about 9 messages down.


The comment about the boosters is about 9 messages down.

I just checked my husband’s Prepaid. His Booster add-ons are all still there (have been forever as he  hardly uses them).

But in saying that, I checked out if he was to buy an add-on and there is conflicting info. 



All of my “ancient” boosters dating back to last year are still active. Doesn’t means that new rules won’t eventually apply to new purchases.


That’s the standard procedure with all cell companies.

On July 17, 2023 at 6:45pm Eastern Time, while logged on to Koodo Self-serve Prepaid, one page repeatedly states boosters do not expire, yet the page that sells them states data expires after 30 days.

On this page

Under "Here's How" it states: "Booster add-ons don’t expire. Any unused minutes or data will be carried over when you renew your base plan.*" Under the asterisk it states: "*Talk or Data Booster add-ons don’t expire if your account is active."

Under "Tracking your booster usage" it states: "when you're running low, we'll let you know by sending you a text message". That didn't happen. The data just disappeared with no warning.

Under "Expiring boosters and overage charges" it states: "As long as you have an active Base Plan on your account, your Boosters never expire"

Under FAQ it states: "Booster: A booster is an add-on that complements your base plan and does not expire."

Then: "5 - How can I remove my booster?
A booster can’t be removed. It’ll be rolled over until it's completely used up."

This didn't happen. Booster data disappeared with no warning and no message. That never happened in the last several years; it always rolled over.

On this page

Under "Add-ons Usage" there is no data add-on listed. It disappeared. Data stopped working and we didn't know why.

If click "Purchase Add-ons", this page loads

Under Data > Canada Add-Ons it states: "Data add-ons expire after 30 days".

So which is it?

Thank you so much for flagging this! I just received confirmation that Boosters will NOT expire as long as the Base Plan remains active. 

The team is in the process of removing the incorrect statement. 

Thanks again for flagging this everyone :)

Thank you Chris for looking into this for us.

Still says boosters will expire in 30 days. This is rather concerning as Telus has already changed the Public Mobile boosters so they expire in 30 days. If they also do this at Koodo I will be moving my 3 accounts elsewhere.

Still says boosters will expire in 30 days. This is rather concerning as Telus has already changed the Public Mobile boosters so they expire in 30 days. If they also do this at Koodo I will be moving my 3 accounts elsewhere.

Chris mentioned that "The team is in the process of removing the incorrect statement. ".  They type of "fix" may be less priority for them hence taking time to correct.