@Omanoct I see both Netflix and Disney+ being activated on our end. Amazon Prime isn’t. Have you activated it? Also, has Amazon confirmed that your account is cancelled on thier end? This is needed before it can be re-linked with your Koodo account. It’s an Amazon process we can’t change unfortunately.
@Bernard Koodo As far as I’m aware yes, they have confirmed. I’ve been in contact with them a couple times regarding this because I can do nothing more on my end. My Prime subscription ends at the end of this month if that makes a difference, since I have paid for the month. When I log into my Amazon it says I have a Prime account but when I log into Google Play it shows the account is cancelled (ends April 29th). I can wait and check back once this happens, but I’ve already subscribed through Koodo and been charged for the Stream+ Bundle.
@Omanoct Ok, this is the issue → “my Prime sunbcription ends at the end of the month….” Amazon will not let 2 connections to happen. Prime must be canceled. It is actuially a suspension on their end. They will give you the extram month if and wehen you cancel Stream+. So you are not losing anything.
The fix is eazy, open the Amazon Shopping app or go to the Amazon website, Go to My Account - Manage Prime Membership. Your subscription will be showing up there and just need to cancel it.
I have already done this, but Google Play shows my subscription to Amazon Prime ends on April 29th with no further management options besides resubscribing. I didn’t realize the sub was handled through Google Play rather than directly through Amazon, which is why Amazon support doesn’t seem to be able to help me. I’ll just try again at the end of the month.