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Hey all, just wondering if any of you had thoughts regarding the password sharing debacle with Netflix. I’m currently sharing my account with my parents, and my sister who lives in Europe. According to Netflix’s new rules, I should technically be allowed to add up to 2 extra members to my account who don’t live at the primary home location for $8/month per member. However, from what I can see when logging into, there isn’t the option to add said extra members when I’m subscribed to Stream+. 

Never mind the fact that aforementioned additional fee per extra member is an exorbitant amount, I’m wondering what you are all thinking of doing regarding this change and how it affects your decision to keep/cancel Stream+.

Great question. There is likely not an answer just yet, but let me flag a rep. 

Hi @jullybean 

That is a good question!

From the updates we got, unfortunately, it is not possible at the moment to add additional members from outside of the household through Stream+ or Optik TV.

So, to confirm, Koodo Stream+ subscribers will not be able to share their passwords for Netflix at all, not even for the (outrageous) new fee? 

That sounds correct based on Flo's reply. The caveat being "at the moment" this may change in the future 

Oh jeez 😞. That's really unfortunate; decisions to be made about retaining or cancelling I guess. Thanks @Dennis!

Hmm, this is interesting.


I'm sure Koodo will get dinged by Netflix, who in turn will pass the cost along to the end users, but we'll see. 

I imagine Koodo needs to set something up first on their website, in order to accept additional users.

It’s all still very new.  I am hoping Netflix reverses their decision.

As of yesterday, my family was still able to share passwords.

I’m certainly seeing a lot of people unsubscribing once made to decide, and I hope for this seeing such a drop that Netflix will reverse their decision. When not having sustained growth quarter on quarter indefinitely is a horrible thing, we get garbage like this. It’s never enough for shareholders. Ever.