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Hi I signed up for what I thought was prepaid but it is showing next months amount due. I did deactivate automatic top up but is there nothing I can do to just have my phone active when I pay for the monthly amount and inactive when I don’t pay. I don’t understand base plan

Prepaid self serve accounts will look like this. Is this what you see when you login?



Okay so you would be on prepaid then.


If you deactivated automatic topups then it would act like you said. When you pay, it’ll be active for 30 days. If you don’t pay, it’ll stay inactive for up to 90 days.

I went from prepaid to post paid.. but I’m just paying it on the same day every month as my former prepaid plan. it Doesn’t really make much of a difference truthfully. 

like my former prepaid plan, I’m just gonna pay my postpaid plan on the 25th of every month.


I paid my first koodo bill really early because I want to keep the cycle going like i had with my prepaid..  so next month on the 25th I will just pay again.. 

@Macaque I'm not sure if you are asking question, but if so I would suggest you open a new topic for yourself 🙂