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Long distance pack question

  • 10 April 2024
  • 1 reply

If I change my plan and select the unlimited long distance pack, can I then call the US without charge.

Also what if my other cell is in the US, but they do not have the plan, do they get charged?

Please help explain this to me - not sure how this works.




Best answer by Darius Koodo 10 April 2024, 20:57

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Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi there @JenH 

As mentioned in our help page here: https://www.koodomobile.com/en/pickyourperk  The long distance pack allows you to call to 28 countries,, including the US, at no additional cost, while you are in Canada. This feature does not work while you are outside the country. 

More details about the perk can be found in the same page, as there are some exceptions. 

  1. Long Distance Calling Pack restrictions: Calls made to phone numbers starting with the following six-digit combinations are not included in this add-on: 559-726, 712-775, 712-432, 605-562, 605-475, and 530-881. Calls made to these numbers will be billed at your standard pay-per-use rate. Macau is not included.


As for the other Canadian number, the perk does not work while roaming. Receiving a call and answering it while outside Canada will trigger Roaming Pay per use charges or Easy Roam (If present).