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I want to turn off the $16 per day Easy Roam international option and just use pay per text message or call. However, in self serve the item that I think does this is called “Easy Roam INTL - PayPerUse Access”. So is this Easy Roam $16/day, or real pay per use? It can’t be both.  This is really confusing and should be called “Easy Roam -fixed daily charge” or something. 

I left International data roaming and international call roaming on just case I need them ( I have an eSim and Fongo so shouldn’t) 

Please fix this confusing name in self serve so other people don’t waste time trying to make sense if it.







It’s 16$ per day, every time you use it. If you don’t use it, you don’t pay for it. So it is pay per use per se. What would you name it? 

When I “use” my phone, this is defined as a single phone call, or text. If I use it 10 times in a day, this is 10 separate and individual uses. Therefore in the context of Easy Roam, which is a single fee for the whole day, “Pay per use” makes no sense. 

Furthermore, in all other Koodo documentation (

) etc., the two things “Easy Roam” and “Pay Per Use” are clearly defined as two separate and non-overlapping concepts.

If Koodo want to describe the add-on unambiguously and clearly, it should be called “Pay a flat fee per day”. Perhaps they don't want this to be clear or unambiguous. 


I agree.  It is indeed confusing to a regular customer when they see this in their add-ons