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My Telus Internet activation day is February 15th but, due to a shipping error, my new equipment will not arrive in time.  I already own a working cable modem.  My current ISP is Start.Ca, now owned by Telus.  Is it not possible to simply migrate my current cable modem off the Start.Ca network and onto the Telus Internet network?


Long Version

As I mentioned above, my current ISP is Start.Ca.  My current service is cable based.  I own my cable modem (Hitron CODA-45); it is not rented.  My mobile phone service is with Koodo/Telus and since is now owned by Telus, it made sense to migrate to Telus Internet so I could bundle my services and save some money.

I placed an order for Telus Internet on February 2nd, with an activation date of February 15th.  I learned today that the new cable modem & router will not arrive until some time late next week, after my activation date due to a shipping error, leaving me without Internet service for potentially seven days.

I can live without Internet for a weekend, but I work remotely and need to be able to VPN into my employer’s network.  I intentionally selected an activation day on a weekend two weeks after my order precisely to avoid an interruption in service.  This interruption will cost me income. Sufficed to say I am not happy.

I have already spoken with customer support and escalated the issue but all I have received so far is apologies and assurances that the new equipment will be re-shipped, but that doesn’t solve the immediate issue.  I accept that mistakes happen, that’s fine, but I’m not interested in apologies.  I’m interested in solutions.

Which brings me to my question:  Since I already own a cable modem, currently working with an ISP now owned by Telus, is it possible to migrate my existing cable modem to Telus Internet on my activation day?  I can provide make, model & MAC address.



P.S.  fyi, I work in IT.  I spent 13 years as a System & Network admin.  I don’t need a new router, my home network is setup exactly the way I want.  If the new equipment is a combination cable modem + router, then I’m going to reconfigure it into bridge mode anyways, so why can’t I just re-use my existing equipment.

Koodo is just a 3rd party supplier of the internet.

They will not be able to migrate from the Koodo modem to the modem.  The 2 services will operate independently from each other.


Regarding the router, I recommend you try it.  The reading on the community is that the supplied router must be used, but I for 1 am curious what would happen if you use yoru own router.

I can’t think of a technical reason why the router would be required, unless the cable modem and router is a single unit in which case I would disable the router feature.  If I cannot do so then all this is a non-starter and I will cancel the service.

I cant think of a technical reason why either.  I did a post in the community that they needed to use the supplied router, but I am unsure if that customer did something wrong.

But when you get your equipment give it a try and let us know

Well, when the equipment finally arrives I can definitely report back if I am successful in using my own router, but the router is not the issue.

As things stand, after February 15th I will be left without Internet service until the new modem/router arrives.  I took pains to ensure that the risk of being left without service was low because I am a remote employee.  If I cannot VPN into my employer’s network, I cannot work, and I must take time off.

My original question stands, can my existing cable modem be ported to the Telus/Koodo Internet network on my activation day (Feb/15) but I’m guessing no Telus/Koodo technical support employees actually address issues on these community boards?

The AI chat bot is no help & customer support could only offer apologies and escalate to management, which apparently takes 24 - 48 hours.  I have been a very happy Telus & Koodo customer for more than a decade but this has been a thoroughly frustrating and disappointing experience.


From my understanding it is a no.  However I recommend you request a callback via Koodo assist.  Since Koodo is the 3rd party offering this service, please temper your expectations.
