Since a month or 2, I keep receiving almost 3-4 times a week a spam email by message text.
But the address use to contact me is: (myphonenumber), and those fraud guy keep having different email to send me this:
“Votre plan NetfIix associer au (myPhoneNumber) a été bloqué en raison d'un erreur de paiement. Veuillez confirmé vos données personelle.”(do not click on it!)
With a link that I never click on. I am so tired of receiving this, I keep reporting it to 7726 and even Netflix, but it never stops!
example of those fraud email: or
And I put on my Iphone the option to filter to block call and unknown senders text, but because it is send by email, my phone do not recognize it and filter it. I keep blocking the email adresse, but they use different one each time.
I would be so thankful to anyone who could help me and without changing my phone number.
(sorry for my not so good english)