Koodo Community

I keep getting spam emails in my SMS

  • 21 July 2022
  • 9 replies

Hey everyone, I have a quick question. I keep getting these spam emails with scam site links in my SMS text message inbox. Newest one was 3:00am, and again at 3:30am, both of which woken me up. How do I permanently stop these stupid things from coming in. I’d prefer it if people could no longer email my SMS altogether. I’m using a Samsung Galaxy Note 10+, if that matters.


Best answer by Dennis 22 July 2022, 17:36

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9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Could you share a screenshot of the texts that you are receiving?
Just leave out any personal info if there is any.

Sure, here you go.


Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Unfortunately I don't think you can permanently stop this.

Email to text going through MMS. you can turn off cellular data (just connecting wifi is not enough) to at least prevent the 3am messages until your turn data back on when you wake up

Looks like I will have to use either that method, or Do Not Disturb, blocking sound from anything but people in my contacts. Both present problems for me, such as yours not telling me when I receive picture messages from friends, and if I forget to re-enable data, I will miss them entirely (because my phone won’t even tell me I need to enable data to receive, I literally get nothing indicating a message with pictures is coming through like it would have with my older LG), and mine where it will technically work, but I will just be greeted with these spam messages when I wake up. Either way the solution should be Koodo getting off their butts and adding email to SMS/MMS blocking as part of their spam protection, seeing as this is how spammers and scammers are literally getting around their filters, and I can’t even add emails to my messaging filters, because they only accept phone numbers. Seems there’s a whole lot of shortsightedness going around, or people who just don’t care enough to fix something like this...

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Looks like I will have to use either that method, or Do Not Disturb, blocking sound from anything but people in my contacts. Both present problems for me, such as yours not telling me when I receive picture messages from friends, and if I forget to re-enable data, I will miss them entirely (because my phone won’t even tell me I need to enable data to receive, I literally get nothing indicating a message with pictures is coming through like it would have with my older LG), and mine where it will technically work, but I will just be greeted with these spam messages when I wake up. Either way the solution should be Koodo getting off their butts and adding email to SMS/MMS blocking as part of their spam protection, seeing as this is how spammers and scammers are literally getting around their filters, and I can’t even add emails to my messaging filters, because they only accept phone numbers. Seems there’s a whole lot of shortsightedness going around, or people who just don’t care enough to fix something like this...

Have you forwarded these messages to 7726 (SPAM), so it will help prevent further incidents in the future?

Yes, I report everything, but it doesn’t really matter. They use a different e-mail address every single time. Unless we can block e-mail to SMS outright, this can never been entirely blocked due to how easy it is to just create another e-mail for free in no time at all. Realistically there are only two ways something like this can be combated.

  1. A reliable app is created that allows you to filter out spam type messages and prevents them from ever reaching your inbox. I’ve looked and tried whats’ available so far, and none of it really works against this.
  2. Koodo does something about it, and adds filters against this, or allows us to have an add-on at the very least that enables us to block e-mail to SMS. I have heard of other providers doing this, and honestly, it’s not something that should be considered impossible.

At the very least, I wish my phone would allow me to add spam filters to stop them from coming in at user level, but I don’t see that happening any time soon either. In any case, I don’t see this being something I can solve. I’ve looked extensively into this, and the most effective method to block these would have to be service side, and it’s near impossible to get Koodo to implement anything. I have tried several times before to no avail. If there’s anyone who knows an effective way to get the ball rolling on having this feature added to Koodo, I’d really appreciate the help.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Yes, I report everything, but it doesn’t really matter. They use a different e-mail address every single time. Unless we can block e-mail to SMS outright, this can never been entirely blocked due to how easy it is to just create another e-mail for free in no time at all. Realistically there are only two ways something like this can be combated.

  1. A reliable app is created that allows you to filter out spam type messages and prevents them from ever reaching your inbox. I’ve looked and tried whats’ available so far, and none of it really works against this.
  2. Koodo does something about it, and adds filters against this, or allows us to have an add-on at the very least that enables us to block e-mail to SMS. I have heard of other providers doing this, and honestly, it’s not something that should be considered impossible.

At the very least, I wish my phone would allow me to add spam filters to stop them from coming in at user level, but I don’t see that happening any time soon either. In any case, I don’t see this being something I can solve. I’ve looked extensively into this, and the most effective method to block these would have to be service side, and it’s near impossible to get Koodo to implement anything. I have tried several times before to no avail. If there’s anyone who knows an effective way to get the ball rolling on having this feature added to Koodo, I’d really appreciate the help.

While their email address changes, the content is still relatively similar. If they receive enough reports, it will give Koodo and Telus more information to better filter out the spam messages. 

As for your suggestion, I would highly recommend you to post it as an Idea. You can do this by going to the top right-hand corner of the page and create a new post. 

Yes, I know. I’ve been reporting these for awhile now, and so far nothing has changed. As far as suggesting this as an idea, I’ve seen several people suggest it so far. So far, nothing has come of it. They never get enough votes, and nothing comes of them. This is spam, it shouldn’t need a vote system, it should just be something included in their spam protection by default, or at the very least, included as an add-on. As a computer technician, I can’t imagine an antivirus that is designed to only look for one kind of virus, and outright allow the others in without any effort to stop them. This is how this feels. Just let us outright block emails. Problem solved. I don’t need emails in my SMS/MMS anyways. That’s what my email address is for.

All that said, we may as well mark this as unanswerable/all information that can be passed, has been passed. I’m just being told basic/common information now.

BTW, you don’t need to quote my entire statement if your reply is next in line. That feature exists in these kinds of forums mainly if you’re responding to a message one or more before your own, so people know who and what you are replying to. Otherwise you can just use the reply box if your reply is next in line, and it saves from cluttering the screen by duplicating the same text in multiple areas unnecessarily.

Userlevel 1

I totally agree. The idea that the best way to deal with this is essentially turn off the phone is completely absurd. Blocking them & reporting as spam is pointless since the address changes everytime.

Seriously Koodo, let us block damn email senders!