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How Do I Stop Koodo Sending Multi=-duplicates?

  • 9 June 2024
  • 7 replies

For a while now,  ever since Koodo dropped support except for phones they sell, I don’t get Pics with images any more. If that’s not annoying enough, now they send multi-copies (see image below). of the same thing every day.

  1. This happens even if I disable the mobile and WiFi. They come in when I enable both.
  2. If I leave both WiFi and Mobile on, they come in - in the morning around 0900.
  3. If I take the battery out, wait 15 seconds and plug it back in (refresh).  The still come in.
  4. I tested this with friends: Using the same 80kB jpeg.
    Telus: Sent Text w/ pic - waited it doesn't come in and, he just text and the text comes in.
    Rogers: Same tests - same results.
    Koodo: Same tests. ONE w/ pic, the other a plain text. They come as “You received an MMS, but it expires on:
    18 minutes ago. I had turned the phone on 1024 that’s A.M.  “20:10 is 10:10 P.M. That wasn’t 18 minutes!        
  5. Please, this is not about the part where Koodo won’t allow MMS on year-old non Koodo phones. I get that. What is a problem is that Koodo taunts me with these mega-copies so I have to disable the phone while I sleep, and miss important messages. Most people that know I’m on Koodo don't send messages between 2100 and  0900 and  sender sent ONE text i the Koodo test above.

Could it be the Koodo sender sent one text and Koodo is just making certain, with copies, that I get a Koodo Alert message that I didn't get the message? 


I would like to leave the phone on overnight, to receive text messages, but Koodo thinks text messages from a Koodo phone are MMS. How do I stop Koodo reminding me I received a MMS but didn’t receive MMS over and over and over again due to ONE text.

Thanks - your work here as a volunteer is gratefully appreciated.



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7 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Which phone model are you using? And can you share a snapshot of your apn settings? If the phone was no longer supported with Koodo, a wrong settings in APN could trigger plethora of issues. if possible I would recommend you disable MMS altogether.

Userlevel 1
  1. It shouldn’t matter what phone it is because it worked for a few months until Koodo walked away from “none Koodo phones”  but were anxious to sell me one.
    Koodo changed settings, phones won’t work, Koodo will sell us a phone. Hmm.
    But it’s a Librem L5. I have already talked to them. It’s not them.
  2. The settings are exactly the same as I was told to use.
  3. I didn’t spend $1500.0. on a phone without making certain it would work.
  4. “disable MMS altogether”?  Will Koodo drop the costs by 90% because it’s why I bought the phone in the first place. With out MMS, I have no need for a digital phone.

Thanks for your assistance. I appreciate it,



Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Looking back into your post history, we already mentioned about MMS server issue several times in the past. You already knew your particular device wouldn't be fully supported by Koodo, especially MMS, volte,wifi calling. 

Regarding MMS support, A rep already sent you this link about MMS server change 2 months ago. I recopied it here

A month ago you posted and ask about old MMS settings, I already searched and found it for you. If that and the current settings didn't work, I don't think any other settings will work. That was why I recommend you to avoid the current issue MMS by disabling MMS altogether. 

Anyway, you can try to schedule a call back and ask for technical support from Koodo. They might have better solutions from backend system.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

So I tried to do some digging on the forums for Purism (the company that makes librem) and there’s a couple mentions of a similar-ish issue. (Unless that happens to be you on there as well).


This phone seems very, “open-source” I’ll say and there’s a lot of inner workings that likely none of us are going to be familiar with so I’d suggest posting there and see if anyone can help you out if you haven’t yet.

If you just search for “Koodo” you’ll see the ones I was talking about.

Userlevel 1

So I tried to do some digging on the forums for Purism (the company that makes librem) and there’s a couple mentions of a similar-ish issue. (Unless that happens to be you on there as well).


This phone seems very, “open-source” I’ll say and there’s a lot of inner workings that likely none of us are going to be familiar with so I’d suggest posting there and see if anyone can help you out if you haven’t yet.

If you just search for “Koodo” you’ll see the ones I was talking about.

Yes. And @Dinh also provided me with a more detailed version of my history here.  Instead of finding fault with peoples issues, one would see that this is a new issue. Nothing to do with the previous ones.

Note that if people read not peruse a post they’d see at the get-go that this is, or was an entirely unrelated issue.

The Librem 5 isn't asking Koodo for multiple copies of yesterday’s copies to pile on top of today’s multiple copies. The messages errors are not from the phone, the sender or the engineers at L5 phones. It’s from Koodo. The history is related to Koodo backing out supporting phones older than “6 years”  (this phone is 15 months old.)

[Rant Mode On]
I didn’t ask for any unrelated history lesson or the snarky comments. But some people feel the need to berate other, have at er. It’s a reflection of what koodo is like. It’s why I pay by the month. I  can walkaway from providers.

In the vent some would want to run back into history, I made a point of adding a picture  to explain it for those that don’t read, only skim until they have enough, they think, to ignore the topic and have enough venom to share with  victims.

I remember a Alan M from another forum (I won’t mention it),  that had a similar approach to support helping visitors with a history lesson.. (Unless that happens to be you on there as well).

FYI. I would not approach Puri about these multi-copies. They didn’t and couldn’t cause this to happen. Only the provider Koodo has the ability to send too many duplicates of duplicates and duplicating the duplicates.

This issue is in no way similar to any of the posts you say are “similar-ish issue.”. This issue is a fault of Koodo. I didn’t think it was this cliques objective to redirect issues with Koodo. Doing a good job though.



Seems people here are more interested in spending their time as flatfoot investigators looking for ammo to fire at first light, this topic will either disappear, or ghosted.

[Rant Mode Off]

Just goes to show it’s true --- “Caution. Anything anyone says may be taken out of context and used against them in the Courts of Social Media.”

Now, if you don’t mind, I have to find someone that will help block,stop, or auto delete multiple copies of copies.



Userlevel 7
Badge +4

I remember a Alan M from another forum (I won’t mention it),  that had a similar approach to support helping visitors with a history lesson.. (Unless that happens to be you on there as well).

FYI. I would not approach Puri about these multi-copies. They didn’t and couldn’t cause this to happen. Only the provider Koodo has the ability to send too many duplicates of duplicates and duplicating the duplicates.

This issue is in no way similar to any of the posts you say are “similar-ish issue.”. This issue is a fault of Koodo. I didn’t think it was this cliques objective to redirect issues with Koodo. Doing a good job though.

Just go by Allan M on this forum, no others. Also I don’t think I gave a history lesson but apologizes if I did. I was just trying to point you to another resource.

I’m not saying that the phone is at fault, but rather that you may receive better support from other users of the device that have gone through similar issues rather than on here where, to be blunt, it doesn’t seem like any of us know how to adequately help you with this device.

I would hate to spend $1500 on a phone and then not have it work months later too so truly, best of luck to you and hopefully you can find an easy solution. I’ll leave it at that though since I have nothing else useful to say unfortunately.

Userlevel 1

 it doesn’t seem like any of us know how to adequately help you with this device.


OK and thank you for your response. Perhaps it was my history here and there that caused 2 to look at history and respond to the MMS issues (dead, but not buried).

This a very new issue and I feel this L5  has run it’s course. What more can go unfixed. 
I am certain you will agree it’s not my phone asking for so many copies, and certainly not anyone at Purism requesting Koodo to send them so, who would I ask at Koodo to stop it?

You're correct - $1500.00 loss is, for me, too hard to walk away from. Hence, my obstinateness and digging my heels in.

Your suggestion that another owners of L5 in Canada might be able to help is s good Idea. Unfortunately, the L5 is still a work in progress but only met 1 Canadian that L5 but doesn’t use it with MMS. As far as the MMS goes,. T shoved all that aside and hoped I could stop the sending of the errors, or at least, what is  causing it.

Welp, thanks Adam M for you response. 

c'est la vie 👍
