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Koodo Community


A portion of the Community is set up specifically to share ways to improve your Koodo experience. This category is the best place for you to share your ideas and discuss them with other community members, Mobile Master and Koodo employees.


Before submitting a new idea

It’s always best to search through existing ideas to see if someone has submitted something similar. You can always add in your own comments to get the conversation going. Note: Our moderators will merge duplicate ideas together.


What makes a good idea?

A good idea illustrates a problem and a solution. This helps us (and others) see the area of opportunity, as well as how you propose it be addressed. A screenshot can be worth more than a thousand words. The better an idea is described, the more likely we and others will immediately know what you mean (and the higher the chances someone will vote for your idea). Note: Every so often we end up seeing ideas that look a little more like questions or complaints. Our moderators will identify these and move them to a better suited category. 

How do I vote for an idea I like?

You vote for an idea by “Upvoting” it. An idea with lots of Upvotes is one that we know the Community is eager to see implemented.


What do we do with all of these ideas?

We’ll use your ideas to make your Koodo experience—and everyone else’s—smarter, faster, happier, and more. There’s no guarantee we’ll implement every idea, but they are all read, reviewed, and considered. To let you know where your idea stands, it’ll have a “status” showing if it’s currently under consideration, planned, or has been implemented.


  • Proposed
    A new idea that is open for discussion and voting. This means that we think the idea is interesting, but we are not ready yet to decide whether we want to do something with it. This means that we want to wait for more feedback/votes, it can also mean that this idea does not fit our product strategy at the moment, but is something we might look at later.
  • Planned
    The idea is actively being built by the Koodo team.
  • Implemented
    The idea has been implemented and is available.
  • Under Review
    The idea’s feasibility is actively being reviewed by our Koodo team.
  • Hold for future consideration 
    We reviewed the idea and we know we won’t build it any time soon. This could be because of the complexity of the idea, the value it might return, or the fact that the idea is not aligned with our product strategy.
  • Closed
    We reviewed the idea and feel it is not something we will ever work on as it isn’t part of our core business/product vision.


Have an idea you would like to share? Post it here

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