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Am being billed for additional data usage as if I did not have “easy roam” among my add-ons.  Yet I had it right from the beginning, put there by the selling agent already!!!  When I asked the Koodo agent who called to help to settle the problem, he assured me that I would NOT be billed over $100 but at the rate $12 as prescribed in my contract (for data usage I had no part in).  But that is another story: how could I spend over 100MB in 2 days not even knowing who called me?

You are mixing some issues here. Are you saying you were not charged for using data thru easy roam but thru the pay per use? 

Yes, that is one part of what I am saying.  The other part is that I most certainly was not responsible for spending more than 100MB of data in two days.  Go figure!

Spending 100MB in a day is pretty easy. I sometime go and use at least 300MB in one day. So 50MB/day is reasonable and possible.

Now, as for the reason why you were charged PPU rates, double check that the agent added the add-ons to you account by logging in to self-serve and looking at what add-ons are on your account .

I bought into this monthly plan ($30 per month) just a week ago; went from prepaid to post-paid, Among the ad-ons I “bought” was the ”International Easy Roaming (at a cost of $0).  I made sure it was included in my plan (I am on the SelfServe service so I could have a look at it) when I’d got a message from Koodo after 2 days of operation; this message claimed that I had already reached 25% of the assigned data usage and  soon after that I already had 50% and unless I switched to easy reaming, it was going to cost me an arm and leg. I started trying to reach Koodo Help and finally managed to talk to one of their operatives who assured me that I would pay only $12 for 100MBof data since I had the “easy roam international” clause in my contract.  That was not going to be the case and I gave the operative a classification of 1 when asked by Koodo to classify his help. This action of mine resulted in a series of e-mails from the Koodo robots which have not helped in any way and I was not allowed to talk to a human being to explain the situation.

My other problem is just how did I manage to use 120 MB in 2 days of operation.  Detailed list of charges for these 2 days (11 and 12 of April) showed that the charges were concentrated into a couple of hours a day , mostly during the night when I was asleep. One day it was all Canadian, the other day it was all international, shown in red.  As a result I ended up blocking an Mexican(?) and another unknown phone number so they could not do any more damage to my account. This list had since apparently disappeared from my account. Was Koodo responsible in any way for these messages (no messages were ever left on my computer) as I could not think of anybody else profiting from this activity?

Answer to Robert T answer: 1) yes it is simple when you do something which I have not done - the MBs accumulated mostly when I slept. 2) of course I checked if “easy roaming international” was there and it was there all right!

I bought into this monthly plan ($30 per month) just a week ago; went from prepaid to post-paid, Among the ad-ons I “bought” was the ”International Easy Roaming (at a cost of $0).  I made sure it was included in my plan (I am on the SelfServe service so I could have a look at it) when I’d got a message from Koodo after 2 days of operation; this message claimed that I had already reached 25% of the assigned data usage and  soon after that I already had 50% and unless I switched to easy reaming, it was going to cost me an arm and leg. I started trying to reach Koodo Help and finally managed to talk to one of their operatives who assured me that I would pay only $12 for 100MBof data since I had the “easy roam international” clause in my contract.  That was not going to be the case and I gave the operative a classification of 1 when asked by Koodo to classify his help. This action of mine resulted in a series of e-mails from the Koodo robots which have not helped in any way and I was not allowed to talk to a human being to explain the situation.

My other problem is just how did I manage to use 120 MB in 2 days of operation.  Detailed list of charges for these 2 days (11 and 12 of April) showed that the charges were concentrated into a couple of hours a day , mostly during the night when I was asleep. One day it was all Canadian, the other day it was all international, shown in red.  As a result I ended up blocking an Mexican(?) and another unknown phone number so they could not do any more damage to my account. This list had since apparently disappeared from my account. Was Koodo responsible in any way for these messages (no messages were ever left on my computer) as I could not think of anybody else profiting from this activity?

It is really easy to use such an amount. Depending on the device you are using, a simple update from the App Store or Google Play Store can rack up 120MB of data. Since you mentioned that the data usage was made while you were asleep, it is likely going to be an automatic update that was set up on your account or maybe even data leakage from your phone. 

To avoid further data overages on your account, it is best advised to entirely remove the SIM card from your phone until your return to Canada.

Hi @Petr 

Easy Roam alows using your plan in roaming as if you were in Canada, for a daily fee.

Your plan has no data included but has shock free data. Additional data charges, when data unblocked in self serve, will apply: $13 for each 100MB.

Current Easy Roam rates are $12/day for US and $15/ day for international destinations.

More about Easy Roam, you can find here


For data usage, you can keep the track in self serve:


It is recommend to turn data roaming off in roaming or switch phone to airplane mode to avoid unwanted charges.


In the article here, there are few tips to avoid unwanted usage when roaming: → FAQ section


Hope it helps.

More android phones are starting to do the automatic switch to cellular data if WiFi network drops in quality. I Samsung does it automatically now like Apple and you have to check your phone setttings to make sure it doesnt do it.

I am not sure if Goran’s message is meant as an answer to my problem but I shall assume it is not.  To FLO KOODO: I do not understand how it is possible to charge $100 for the first 100MB when one is in the “easy roam mode” and after that it’s $15 for every next 100MB. FLO KOODO also writes “ It is recommend to turn data roaming off in roaming or switch phone to airplane mode to avoid unwanted charges.”  It sounds to me as an advise how to beat off Koodo who are doing something unethical to get more money from unsuspecting customers.  If this is the case than I do not want to have anything further to do with Koodo.  I am not interested in spending my time trying to figure out how to avoid little tricks by a hostile company to milk more money from me. Surely there must be other companies out there who behave more ethically.

Sorry I don't quite understand the issue. You mention easy roam and you mention data overage. The 2 are not really related. 

Did you leave Canada and used your phone? 

I have no idea what “data overage” means and does.  It is not mentioned in the contract i signed with Koodo, as far as I can see. If they are not related than how come that Koodo warned me that I was using data at a rapid rate and advised me to switch to “easy roam mode”; otherwise, I was advised, it would cost me a lot of money.  And it did, even as I was operating in the “easy roam mode” already, it has not changed anything - contrary to the advise I got from one of Koodo specialist. Please explain this to me.

Addition to my previous message: yes, I used my phone before I left Canada.

You mentioned that "I bought into this monthly plan ($30 per month)".

But $30 plan don't include data. If you used data, then you get charged as a pay per use rate which is $13 / 100MB


You also said "Am being billed for additional data usage as if I did not have “easy roam” among my add-ons. Yet I had it right from the beginning".  "International Easy Roaming at a cost of $0."

You do have an"International Easy Roaming at a cost of $0."  and it means now you are able to access to the Easy roam add-on.  If you roam, it will cost you $12/day.    Without this add-on, you get pay per use roaming rate - $1.60/min, $10/ 50mb…


You said  "I am not interested in spending my time trying to figure out how to avoid little tricks by a hostile company to milk more money from me."

But there is no tricks here. You need to know what plan you have and how roaming/ roaming add-on works.   Do you need to use your phone ? If you need to make/receive calls/texts, you should compare the price if the Easyroam add-on is better than pay-per use rates.

If you incurred extra charges prior to using your phone outside of Canada, then it has nothing to do with roaming. 

Let's go step by step and try to tackle 1 issue at a time. 

If you log into self serve and download your detailed pdf ebill, what additional charges do you see and what specifically does the line item in your detailed pdf ebill call it and how much was it for that line item?

If you are having trouble understanding the detailed pdf ebill, please feel free to take a screenshot of page 3 or 4 of the detailed pdf ebill (black out your phone number and name) and we can provide some more details and see if we can explain/help about what is going on.

What I said is meant to address a potential issue that caused it. It happens sometimes.

Reply to Mayumi:  Yes, I totally agree with you.  I had the “easy roaming international” on the list of my add-ons right from the beginning .  So, why am I billed $100 for the first 100MB of data (leaving alone that I do not believe I spent 100MB of data in my first two days in Mexico)?

Reply to Denis:  Well I do not have the time on detailed discussion of wording … .  I shall seek the opinion of the bill from the Koodo employee who prepared the contract on April 9.  She should know and hopefully she will have 10 minutes of time to create an opinion.

Totally up to you. 

I'm willing to spend time to go over your concerns with your bill and go over any errors or provide any clarifications, but if you do not have the time to download your pdf ebill and post a screen shot and would rather visit the store to speak with the sales person to go over the contract you, I wish you the best of luck.

In preparation, Do you have the paper contract given to you by the sales person when you signed up in the store? 

Thank you Dennis.  Yes, I do have the paper form of the contract.  I shall attach the bill but it comes in this funny format and I am not sure it will make much sense to you.




Partial charges
NB 911 Government Fee (Apr 09 To Apr
$30 UL Can Min SFD (4G Speed) (Apr 09
To Apr 13)
Int'l Long Distance Saver (Apr 09 To Apr
Total partial charges ...................................................................................$5.99
Monthly and other charges (Apr 14 to May 13)
$30 UL Can Min SFD (4G Speed) $30.00
Additional data $13/100MB SFD
Unlimited SMS and MMS
Bill credit (before tax)* -$43.48
Connection Fee $50.00
NB 911 Government Fee $0.97
Total monthly and other charges ..............................................................$37.49
Add-ons (Apr 14 to May 13)
$12/Day US Easy Roam Free
$0 Call Control Free
Int'l Long Distance Saver $5.00
$15/Day Easy Roam INTL Free
Total add-ons .............................................................................................$5.00
Usage charges
Free airtime refers to non-chargeable minutes that are not part of your included minutes,
and may include bonus minutes, evening and weekend calling, *611 calls. etc.
Roaming - US/International Voice Usage $0.00
Total used 2:00 (MIN)
Long Distance - Domestic Phone $0.00
Free 5:00 (MIN)
Total used 5:00 (MIN)
Long Distance - US/International Voice
Additional 1:00 (MIN)
Total used 1:00 (MIN)
Easy Roam INTL $15.00
Total used 1 (Day)
Data Usage $13.00
Total used 108.062 (MB)
International GPRS Data Roaming $99.95
Total used 19.980 (MB)
Roaming Txt Msg - Received $0.00
Total used 1 (Msg)
April 13, 2022
Mobile services (continued)
PAGE 4 of 6
Usage charges (continued)
Local Airtime - Phone (minutes) $0.00
Free 51:00 (MIN)
Total used 51:00 (MIN)
Total usage charges ...............................................................................$128.00
Total before taxes....................................................................................$176.48
HST-NB $11.48
Total for *** ***-****, with taxes..........................................................$187.96
Airtime Details for *** ***-****
Call charges
1 Sat Apr 9 11:19 am FREDERICTN NB FREDERICTN NB 1:00 - - - - 0.00
2 Sat Apr 9 01:30 pm  CZECH REP FREDERICTN NB 1:00 - - 0.05 - 0.05
3 Sat Apr 9 03:27 pm  FREDERICTN NB FREDERICTN NB 5:00 - - - - 0.00
4 Sat Apr 9 03:34 pm  FREDERICTN NB FREDERICTN NB 2:00 - - - - 0.00
5 Sat Apr 9 04:20 pm FREDERICTN NB INCOMING 2:00 - - - - 0.00
6 Sat Apr 9 06:30 pm  MONCTON NB INCOMING 5:00 - - - - 0.00
7 Mon Apr 11 07:22 pm  MERIDA YN INCOMING 1:00 - - - - 0.00
8 Mon Apr 11 07:39 pm MERIDA YN INCOMING 1:00 - - - - 0.00
9 Mon Apr 11 07:44 pm ***01 MSG RTRVL TM MERIDA YN 1:00 - - - - 0.00
10 Mon Apr 11 07:44 pm ***01 MSG RTRVL TM MERIDA YN 1:00 - - - - 0.00
11 Mon Apr 11 07:45 pm ***01 MSG RTRVL TM MERIDA YN 1:00 - - - - 0.00
12 Mon Apr 11 07:47 pm ***01 MSG RTRVL TM MERIDA YN 1:00 - - - - 0.00
13 Mon Apr 11 07:48 pm ***01 MSG RTRVL TM MERIDA YN 1:00 - - - - 0.00
14 Mon Apr 11 07:48 pm ***01 MSG RTRVL TM MERIDA YN 1:00 - - - - 0.00
15 Mon Apr 11 07:49 pm ***01 MSG RTRVL TM MERIDA YN 2:00 - - - - 0.00
16 Mon Apr 11 08:03 pm  FREDERICTN NB MERIDA YN 1:00 - - - - 0.00
17 Tue Apr 12 12:22 am 99999 ROAM/VOY 1:00 - - - 15.00 15.00
18 Tue Apr 12 03:12 pm ***01 MSG RTRVL TM MERIDA YN 5:00 - - - - 0.00
19 Tue Apr 12 03:17 pm MERIDA YN INCOMING 18:00 - - - - 0.00
TOTAL $0.00 $0.05 $15.00 $15.05
Roaming Details for *** ***-****
Call charges
1 Tue Apr 12 02:14 pm *611 Client Car CL MERIDA YN 1:00 - - - - 0.00
2 Tue Apr 12 02:16 pm *611 Client Car CL MERIDA YN 1:00 - - - - 0.00
TOTAL $0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
April 13, 2022

Everything does seem fine I think, except for the 100 dollar charge for data roaming as you said. I’ll flag a rep to look into that particular part of your bill. It doesn’t seem right as you should be charged 13 dollars per 100MB as per your plan details while in Canada and while using easy roam.

Hi Petr, 

Most of your charges make sense except for the GPRS data charge.

-It looks like you newly signed up April 9 so there are partial charges from April 9-13, and then your regular billing cycle is from April 14-May13

-You have a $30 no data plan.

-you have a $5 monthly long distance saver add-on

-you used data resulting in a $13 charge

-you used your phone in mexico for 1 day resulting in a $15 easy roam charge. 

-there is this International GPRS data charge for $99.95 that causes me concern.


Let me flag a rep to get some more clarification on that $99.95 charge. 


But overall does my summary sound accurate?


EDIT looks like Goran has you covered. Sorry that took me a long time to type out 

Hi @Petr 


Sorry for the late reply! 

it looks like the Pay per use data charge was incurreed same day (11th April) before the Easy Roam Intl $15/ day to be added to your account.


Once this was added, the applicable ($13/100MB) charges started counting.


I hope this answers your question.

Hi @Petr 


Sorry for the late reply! 

it looks like the Pay per use data charge was incurreed same day (11th April) before the Easy Roam Intl $15/ day to be added to your account.


Once this was added, the applicable ($13/100MB) charges started counting.


I hope this answers your question.

@Flo Koodo this doesn't add up. The bill says it is international GPRS Data roaming for $99.95. That amount is not divisible by $13

The $99.95 were charged at pay per use rate (data usage), before Easy Roam Intl being added, here you can find more on the pay per use rates:

@Flo Koodo that was my initial thought too. But pay per use data is $5/mb. That doesn't add up to $99.95

@Petr Based on page 3 of the bill,  19.98 Mb were used prior to Easy Roam International being added (rated at $5/MB), then the rest was charged at $13/100Mb rate, after Easy Roam International was added