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I’m upset that I set-up pre-authorization on my credit card, it worked fine until November….although it shows on my card that it was charged when I received my December bill I was shocked to see I had a previous balance and a late charge...thinking it was just a payment timing and application error - I paid the current balance with the same credit card that was used when I set-up the pre-authorized payment. January comes - same thing previous balance carry forward plus new charges that didn’t get applied to the pre-authorized payment that I set up.  Now February I pay the balances with the same credit card that I used for preauthorized payment, but this  time I re-set up the pre-authorized payment with the exact same card and this time the remaining balance came out with the preauthorized payment.  Why is the pre-authorized payment not working consistentlythis is the whole point of pre-authorized’s not that my card is declining, because I can get notified by text when my card declines.  Now I’m nervous that my March bill isn’t going to get paid with pre-authorized payment that I set-up and I am upset that i incurred late charges and it reduced my nearly perfect credit score. I’ve never paid a bill late in my life, now 3 months in a row because of Koodos application I have.

It sounds like your card expired on which is why preauthorization failed on on you bill from November to January.

Pre-authorization payments also come about a week before the due date, so you can double check it comes out prior to it being late


We can see that the pre-authorized payment is set up on your account and the next payment should come out automatically moving forward (we do see that a partial payment came out 2 days ago). 

When changing the card details for the pre-authorized payment in self serve, it may take up to 1 bill cycle for the pre-authorized payment to register: