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I recently travelled to the US and used roaming for both days of travel (going and returning). However, I was also charged for the days in between travel which I know for a fact that I shouldn’t have been charged because my data was off and I was connected to my friend’s home wifi and we never left their house (it was Christmas). Also, the charges show that I used my phone during those days for one minute at various times in the middle of the night- when I was sleeping. How can I get these charges reversed? I was charged almost $125 more than I should have!!

Let me flag a rep to check into those days. To be clear, which days are you contesting?

For future refefene, the following article will explain how to adjust your phone’s network settings that should prevent it from happening:


You get charged for any SMS sent and any talk used including voicemail.  You can login to self serve to check your usage.  What triggered the easy roam charges for the other days?



Hi there ​@RD4 

We verified the days with the charge and found that Easy Roam was triggered by Sent Text messages while roaming, alongside mobile data usage in each day and for December 23 and 29, there was also calls on top of the other usage. 


You can check the details in the usage section of the Koodo Self Serve account. 

In order to avoid Roaming fees, we would recommend keeping the device on airplane mode. We would also include a great help page with more details on how you are charged while roaming: 


From what can be verified the charges are valid. If you want to further investigate the days, feel free to schedule a callback through our Koodo Assist or send us a private message on Social Media using the links in the bottom right of this page. 
