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If a plan goes out of market between the time I sign up and the time I activate the SIM, will I still be able to get it? How many days can elapse between sign up and activation? 

If you’ve signed up for something, you’ve got the plan. It’s not predicated on when you receive the sim for acticvation.

The time between depends on how long is takes Canada Post to ship to you.

Thank you.

For my second question, I meant to ask: how long can I voluntarily wait before activating it? If I’m out of the country at the moment for example.

Until the sim card is delivered. Then it would be considered activated and you wouldn’t be able to get anymore days credited back.

If this is a number transfer, is it still activated upon delivery before I even do the transfer? Does billing also start upon delivery?

Well, yes. If you sign up with a number transfer, it’s the same process. Billing would start the day you register for the account but then you’d have to call to make sure you’re credited the days before you get the sim delivered.

Activation occurs when your phone or sim is shipped/mailed.