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Text messages only working with wifi

  • 23 July 2024
  • 4 replies

I can only send and receive text messages if I have a wifi connection.  That never used to be the case and I didn't have to have data on either. Not sure how to fix this issue.

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi there,

what kind of phone are you using, is it an android device or an iphone? 🙂

Test to see if your internet is working while on Data. Good chance that your data connection is not working, meaning only your WIFI is working.

I have my data turned off but I always have and I used to receive text still. I have an android.  Samsung A25

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Do you have cellular signal coverage in your area? When you said “ I can only send and receive text messages if I have a wifi connection”, Was your phone on WiFi Calling mode?