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Koodo home internet service continues to drop

  • 23 July 2024
  • 6 replies

Hi folks,

I’m experiencing repeated issues with Koodo home internet failing. This is a daily/multiple times per day issue. I’ve followed the modem reset instructions multiple times that will recover connection. Sometimes it takes multiple tries. Modem and router are Koodo provided.

I’m hoping to get routed to a service rep to investigate.

Much appreciated.

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6 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi there,

that sounds like the modem itself might just be defective. The reps on here have limited ability when it comes to Koodo Internet, I suggest you setup a call back through the link and request a replacement modem if you followed the trouble shooting steps already. They will send you a new one and hopefully that fixes the problem 🙂👍


Thank you - appreciate your help!

Userlevel 1

As per my previous and now more recent post, I am in the same boat since April.
Here’s what I’ve  had to do so far:

I first was told to return/replace the wifi Router. Service was fine for about a week or two after then drops started happening again. 
They sent a Rogers Tech who said the modem was overheating (it was running really hot). They also replaced the cable wire.
I was sent a new modem, this one with ventilation.

Service worked for about three weeks with no drops. 
Drops started happening again this week, four so far, two today.

Koodo rep is again suggesting returning equipment. 

For me:
The drops are completely random time-wise.
My modem and WIfi lights remain all green.
Koodo says they see a connection as being fine on their end.
My fix has always been to unplug and plug back in the modem (which is a pain in the butt)

Userlevel 1

Others have posted about it, too.

Unsure if this IS just crap equipment but clearly something is wrong with this service. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Please stick to 1 thread. 

Userlevel 1

Please stick to 1 thread. 

After posting my thread, I searched to see if others were having the same issue I outlined. Finding some, I am replying to people who are having a similar, if not the exact same, issue as I have with advice I have been given by Koodo reps as well as what has worked as temporary fixes for me. 

Those posters get a notification when their thread has been replied to.

You asking me to stick to a single is certainly not helping them, nor me, as perhaps these users, who may not see my thread, have advice of what solved their issue. 

This is what these “community” boards are for.