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setting up self-serve for someone else

  • 27 June 2024
  • 8 replies

Help! I’m trying to set up Self-Serve for my disabled sister who cannot text or email.  I’m an “Authorized Person” on her account, but there doesn’t appear to be a way for me to set up her Self-Serve account without the system sending her a text or email, which won’t work.  How can I set up her online account (for her Koodo ph 😵 so that I can login remotely (we live in different cities) to it with a username and password to assist her? Thank you!!

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8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi there,

for security reasons that’s why the text message or email is necessary. During the setup, it will set a username and password after which you can login remotely. But you will have to get past that initial setup first. Is anyone close by able to help her out and get the code from her phone / email?

not without a great deal of difficulty unfortunately.

Tell me, is it a text message OR email?? Or must a text message be sent?? We could likely sort out an email, but she is not set up for texting at all.

Thanks for the suggestion.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

No problem, it presents the option for the verification to be sent via a text or email. It would be the email that was used when the account was setup 🙂👍

ok thanks again.


I’m getting someone to help her access an email later on (hopefully today), and she’ll call me at the same time so that we can set this up.

I need to keep it super simple, so i need to be ready to click the button that will send her the email. 


From the Koodoo homepage, i click Login at the top right of the page.

She is a Monthly customer, so I ensure that is selected, then click Register Now.

Seems this hyperlink doesn’t work because it takes me to the HELP SECTION?!?! (with the pop-up box  for the infuriating Digital assistant i might add)

What am i missing here?? I need to Register her for Self Serve.




Userlevel 7
Badge +4

So that is the correct process, you will go through a few prompts with the chat bot to setup the account. If that doesn’t work though she would have received an email with a link to setup the account, I would recommend once they’re into the email that they forward the activation one to you and follow the link that would be provided.

ah, I see. Thank you.

I’d spent a few hours with the chat bot last week and was fit to be tied. 

Looks like that’s what they want though.

Good idea to get the email forwarded. Fingers crossed it works.

Thx again.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

No problem, I hope it goes well 🙂 if you get stuck feel free to @ mention me here and I’ll try my best to respond 👍