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upcoming promotions and sales from koodo?

  • 11 July 2024
  • 3 replies

So i’m kinda miffed about missing the latest special offers with respect to iphone 15 prices and promo phone plans for new lines, as i was planning to order 2 phones and 2 lines. By having missed the boat, the overall difference in cost to my monthly plan will be over $60, compared to what it would have been during the sale. I have heard that there will be another promotion soon for the back to school season and am wondrting if its worth waiting for it before i make my upgrades? Anyone know what’s in the works for later in the summer? thanks 

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3 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi there,

so no one really knows ahead of time so that way you as a consumer don’t know and purchase when it is more expensive (it’s just business that way 🤷‍♂️). However, phone companies work quarterly, so the pricing was cheap last month as June was the end of the quarter. Back to school is ok, but September is usually better as this is the end of Q3 🙂 that or I would just wait until November for Black Friday 👍

Yup, procrastinate and you’ll pay 😅each phone plan was $5 cheaper and the phones on tab were $900 cheaper over the 24 month contract🙁.. overall $60 more monthly or $720 yearly! Worst thing is I might have to bite the bullet cause a new phone/data plan is a promise I can’t afford not to keep😔

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

If you can be patient, I'd suggest waiting for Black Friday in November, as you get the best deals then. You can see about current cheaper plans temporarily if you want, but if you're looking for a combo of best phone price and plan price, it's gonna be Black Friday.