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Two questions as I have 2 phone numbers:

  1. I tried to change my plan but once I pick a perk, my “next” button doesn’t show up.  I’m stuck only if I don’t choose a perk I can go next. I tried 2 different browsers, same problem. Is there a trick to adding a perk and be able to go to the next step or can I just add my perk afterwards?
  2. Koodo offers my one phone number a $34 plan, but my other phone number only shows a $50 plan or more. I’m unimpressed, because there is no reason for it (both are same make, similar speck phones). I have had that same issue last year and called customer service who then gave me for the $15 caller fee the same plan as first phone. How do I get a cheaper plan than $50 without calling them,  preferrable same plan as number 1?

Hi ​@Peloha 

For the plan that you try to change, please try without selecting a perk, and if it lets you change it, please let us know and we can try to add the perk for you.

Regarding the offers loaded, even though the lines are on the same account, they may not get exactly the same deal. It depends on the account history, usage, and more. The other line may get a similar or different offer, but not necessarily at the same time. We recommend checking the self serve regularly for offers that might be loaded.

Thanks ​@Flo Koodo 

  1. I skipped perks and pressed “next” but than the error page came up to try again in an hour. As I see from other posts this seems to be happening a lot at the self serve page. 
  2. I will keep trying, but their usages are similar, maybe a bit more texting, but less data, reason it doesn’t make sense paying $50 for extra data while in recent memory 2GB of 60 was reached, and not sure if even 1GB of 60 GB was reached in past 12 months.  Thanks for your response.  

Hi there ​@Peloha 

We sent you a private message requesting additional information. Feel free to respond whenever you have the time. 
