Two questions as I have 2 phone numbers:
- I tried to change my plan but once I pick a perk, my “next” button doesn’t show up. I’m stuck only if I don’t choose a perk I can go next. I tried 2 different browsers, same problem. Is there a trick to adding a perk and be able to go to the next step or can I just add my perk afterwards?
- Koodo offers my one phone number a $34 plan, but my other phone number only shows a $50 plan or more. I’m unimpressed, because there is no reason for it (both are same make, similar speck phones). I have had that same issue last year and called customer service who then gave me for the $15 caller fee the same plan as first phone. How do I get a cheaper plan than $50 without calling them, preferrable same plan as number 1?