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Unblocked caller is blocked and goes straight to voicemail

  • 2 July 2024
  • 4 replies

As of late, one of the 3 phones on our Koodo account cannot call one of the other phones - every call is shown as blocked and goes straight to voicemail.  Have checked and that contact is not blocked.  Have blocked that contact and then unblocked - no change.  Have reboot phone - no change.  Have removed and reinstalled SIM - no change.


What’s the fix?

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4 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi @Drummer 

Does it happen just between 2 phones on your account? Is it working if you try to call the other line or other numbers?

Have you tried switching the sim cards between phones?

Thank you for the reply Flo.

This problem is new, came out of nowhere and is unique within our account.  The iPhone number is somehow blocked on the LG phone.  The LG phone can call the iPhone.  The Pixel 4a phone has no problem with either.

Which SIM cards are you proposing we swap?

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Call the iphone using the LG sim in the Pixel phone.

You can also put the Pixel sim in the LG phone and try calling the iphone too.


This way you can find out if the issue follows the sim or the phone

Hi Dennis, thanks for the suggestions.

Testing results - when the SIM card was swapped between the LG phone and the Pixel:

  • the Pixel was able to receive calls from the iPhone
  • the LG phone still shows the iPhone caller as Blocked and forces the call to voicemail, even though the contact for the iPhone’s number was not blocked and the setting is “Don’t route to voicemail.”

Swapping the LG and Pixel SIM cards back to their respective phones and the iPhone is still Blocked on the LG.

Deleted iPhone contact on the LG and the LG would now accept calls from the iPhone.

Added iPhone number to contact list on the LG and it still accepts calls from iPhone.

Problem solved!

Thanks for your help Dennis!!!