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Is there a way to stop constant calls from Telus/Koodo (1-866-360-1448)?

I am getting calls every single day, mostly during working hours (also when in meetings) from this number. I know there’s no way for the caller to know that I am in a meeting or working when they call, but that doesn’t stop it from being very annoying given that it’s happening daily. I keep my phone volume on at work because we use our personal cell phones as work phones. There have been times they’ve called past 7PM as well. Honestly it doesn’t matter the time, I just don’t ever want to hop on a marketing call where they’re trying to sell me something - I’m either at work or trying to wind-down from work (what a life, lol).

When they call, they leave no message - if a message does come up, it’s just dead air/no sound.

Anyone else experience this? I don’t want to block the number in case there’s a time when they legitimately need to contact me for something (and if this happened I’d expect them to leave me a message).

Maybe I’m being unreasonably sensitive to this - totally valid and fair if that’s the case. With any other marketing calls I get, I just ignore and move on. But the fact that this is happening every single day is driving me up the wall.

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15 replies

Userlevel 2

I've had this issue also. When I see them come up, I decline the call. They never leave a message. If it was so important,  they would leave a voice-mail.  Once I did answer,  and the person on the other end was trying , unsuccessfully to sound north American. I said that I am not interested in any offers, if I want something I will contact them.  I haven't received any unsolicited calls since. I agree, the calls border on harassment. I don't use my phone as a work phone, but I keep my volume up, as I have several family members with life threatening illnesses and I am always expecting a bad news call 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

You can take the option to decline all marketing calls from Koodo.

You can take the option to decline all marketing calls from Koodo.

Are you able to direct me to where this option can be found in my portal? I’ve checked in overview, billing, mobile services, my profile… haven’t seen this as an option.

Userlevel 7
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Honestly the easiest way is to answer the call and tell them you do not want any marketing calls

Userlevel 7
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@Purple J We do see that on the last call some time ago you requested to be excluded from us reaching you via a phone call.  And we see your account is reflecting that. Sounds like you haven’t received a call since.  Glad to hear that.

@em93 One of our reps have adjusted your account and going forward you should not receive any calls relating to sales.

Same here…


Called, I answered, they had a deal I wasn’t interested in and told them no thanks. They called again the next day, then the next, then the next… so far 5 calls total. At that point it’s harassment.

@Bernard Koodo can you add me to the no-call list? My plan is fine, I’m not ready to get another phone, calling daily won’t change that.

Userlevel 7
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@THRobinson We have taken care of it. Thanks for letting us know. We will also provide feedback to the appropriate teams. 

@Purple J We do see that on the last call some time ago you requested to be excluded from us reaching you via a phone call.  And we see your account is reflecting that. Sounds like you haven’t received a call since.  Glad to hear that.

@em93 One of our reps have adjusted your account and going forward you should not receive any calls relating to sales.

Oh, thank you for doing that. I'm sorry for the complaint (I hate being a complainer - I know people are just doing their job!), but I really appreciate the resolution.

Honestly the easiest way is to answer the call and tell them you do not want any marketing calls

No, it isn't... Because when I answer I say not interested and not to call back, and the next day the number pops up again. 

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

You might need to be more direct and tell them to add you to the do not call list

You might need to be more direct and tell them to add you to the do not call list


Holy cow… guess who called today with a special promo offer?

I had to say hello 3x before they replied, their kids yelling in the background, and the same script about a special offer… Koodo, what the heck? I hate being rude to people doing these calls, but this was ridiculous. I shouldn’t have to be “more direct” to put an end to daily promo calls from a company I am already with.

@Bernard Koodo apparently you took care of nothing. 😣

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Since you were able to take the call, did you explain to the Rep that you anted to be put on the do not call list?

Since you were able to take the call, did you explain to the Rep that you anted to be put on the do not call list?

Yes, same as I did with the previous person I talked to.

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Would you like me to flag a rep to follow-up the?

Userlevel 7
Badge +4

Hi @THRobinson 

if you are getting the calls to the number on the account, we have checked and a request has been made so that you don’t get called about offers. It might take a bit more to be processed, however as Bernard confirmed, the request and the feedback have been provided.

We are sorry for the inconvenience.