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When I signed up with Koodo years ago and went on pre-authorized payments, I had to authorize an amount for the automatic top-up.


Question 1 -

I just switched plans, and I’m wondering if I need to authorize Koodo to take the higher rate, or is it all automatic now?


Question 2 -

I do get the 10% credit for auto payments, so I have $2.50 sitting as a credit from my last payment. I suppose it will be applied to my first bill, which is now $29. So the first month I would be charged $26.50 + tx = $29.68.


Then, I would get a credit of $2.97, which would apply next month, and my future bills would be $26.03+tx, or $29.15.


Can someone confirm that I’m understanding this all correctly? Thank you!

1. It’s all automatic now and will take the appropriate amount for your plan.
2. Correct, you would get charged $2.50 less if you have $2.50 in your account.
As per the auto top up bonus, I’m not sure if that drops or not when you change plans. I think you should be good to keep getting that. Best case would be to wait and see what happens. Again though, the system will be smart enough to charge whatever needs to be charged.