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After I successfully signed into my account, I could access to functions in SHOP and HELP, but  not in SELF SERVE. When I clicked on SELF SERVE, it would ONLY bring up the Overview window, regardless any other functions (i.e. Billing, Usage, Koodo Tab, etc). were chosen.

I am using Apple devices. I have tried using MacBook pro, iPad pro, iPhoine SE, and different internet browSers like Safari and Google Chrome, and have reset the history and cookies. it did not seem to make a different which device or browsers I used, it always just bring up the OVERVIEW window when I clicked on SELF SERVE button.

Due to my inability to access to SELF SERVE, I cannot view my bill/usage and pay my account balance.

Thank you for your help in advance.


Hi there,

are you a new Koodo user and this is your first bill? Or have you been a Koodo user for a while? I see you cleared  your cookies but have you tried clearing your cache data too? Besides that, if you’re able to get to the overview page and you have a bill, you can just hit the “pay now” option that is on the page. You don’t have to get to the usage or billing options to pay the bill. This and other ways to pay your bill such as a bank or e-transfer are outlined with steps here

TY for a quick response

i am a new Koodo user and this is my first bill. With Chrome, I have tried clearing cookies, cache files and history. And even deleted and re-uploading the Chrome app.

With the Overview window showing, I could not find the PAY NOW button. In general, nothing seems to be working for me under the SELF SERVE section. I wonder if this issue related to specifically Apple devices?

Possibly, that or have you actually been issued the first bill yet? As it is weird that you don’t see the pay now option, did you receive the email and SMS text notification that it was released? It would be helpful if you could take a screenshot of what you see and post it here, but make sure to blur out any personal information as this is a public platform. Alternatively you can just always do a bank transfer to your account number as is outlined in the link I sent, it would just take a few days to process the payment 🙂. If this is your first initial bill, the reason you won’t be able to access usage or billing is because the initial bill you receive after setup will only have information on your proration usage (your first couple of days) and won’t show anything until after your first cycle.

Yes, I have received an email from Koodo and it shows how much is the bill and when is it due. Also, there are couple buttons with the emails that are supposedly bring up the billing data (.ie VIEW The May Billing, View the Bill). But clicking on those buttons in the email will only bring up the OVERVIEW window again, and there is no access to any payment options.

Hmm ok. In that case there is probably a technical error with your self serve account and you would need the aid of a rep as you tried all the other normal trouble shooting methods to fix it. The rep would just reset your self serve account and that should fix the problem. In the meantime like I said there is many other methods to send the payment in case you just want it paid. To contact a rep you would need to setup a call back through either your self serve or at

alternatively if a rep sees your post on here they will respond as I have 👍

This is a screen shot of my email from Koodo


Ah ok, so the bill has definitely been issued but can you take one of your overview page? I’m using an Apple device myself which is why I don’t think that is the problem. I also tried it on an iPad and both are presently working fine for me.

This is a screen shot of my email from Koodo


Can you try this method to see if it works for you? 

I received the text notification of my bill. I used the login link in the text, logged in, and was able to access the billing info that I was previously denied as noted above. This worked on all platforms MacBook, iPad and iPhone. 

I then tried to log in using a previously saved bookmark, which took me to exactly the same login screen as did the text. However, I encountered the errors with the billing info as noted previously. I posited that something was corrupted in the bookmark. I deleted the bookmark. Then, I logged in via the text link and bookmarked that screen. It now works. 

Hi @slau104 

You should have received an email to register for your self serve account. Can you please check your email inbox?

Thank you very much for your quick response and help. After following the email from Flo Koodo to register for my self serve account, everything is working  properly. Appreciate all the help and this is the best community I have experienced.

Hello. I seem to have the same problem. Only show me the overview section even if I clic all the other options so I can't update my informations for payments. Has a solution to the problem have been found yet?

Hi @Seb875 

Sorry for the late reply here!

We have checked and can see that your self serve is active.

What happens exactly when you try to access different areas in self-serve? Can you please, share a screenshot? (Please hide any personal info, since this is a public forum)

@Flo Koodo 

If I log in, that's the page I got. Any options I clic on the menu beside the cart send me back to it. I need to update payment info, but the billing option just always send me back to that. If I scroll down, I see a few others publicity like this then the legal info box.


I don't know if that may be part of the problem, but I am traveling oversea at the moment.

Hi @Seb875 

Thanks for the screenshot!

We saw a few situations here on community, where the payment didn’t go through or the payment method couldn’t be updated while out of the country. This may happen due to anti-fraud measures. We recommend trying with a Canadian VPN if possible, or paying by online banking if this is an option, and you can update the Payment details once you return.

As for the other sections in self serve, if you are still unable to access them, please try using a different browser or in incognito and let us know if you still encounter issues.