Do you see a credit on your account?
You won’t get a new bill generated that replaces the current one and shows the appropriate adjustments. Instead you’ll get a credit on your account that you should see right away, and then your next bill will show that the credit was applied x days prior.
Hi Allan,
I see it on one of my lines but not the other (ending in 7978). Also, what about the roaming issue I'm having?
Hi @Stephen84, we’ve removed all roaming features from your 7978 line, we’re not seeing any pending roaming charges for the line either. If you need service while roaming, please let us know here so we can re-add the necessary add-ons.
Regarding the credit that was supposed to be added, is this about the Pre-Authorized Payments Discount or something else? If it is about this, the plan on the 7978 line is eligible for the discount whereas the plan on your other line is not. You can find more on the discount here
Ok, thank you for addressing the roaming issue.
Regarding the credit, I've already spoken to a CSR through the callback feature as well as when I initially had the plan activated. The $70 connection fee for the 7978 number should have been waived and the $5 autopay credit should be applied to the 8240 number. There should be notes on my account regarding this as the callback occurred on Monday the 9th and I was told that it would be corrected within 48 hours.