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unexplained data

Magically have a 4 gig usage while I was at work. Got my 50% and the my 90% warning within a couple hours of each other. And way after the 4 gigs. Never reached over a gig a day. Never downloaded or streamed anything. Just my doordash app which never takes much.


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  • Mobile Master
  • October 6, 2022

Can you check if you accidentally used personal hotspot? Also, can you check your cellular usage in the phone and check any app or system service that used significant amount of data?

  • Beginner
  • October 6, 2022

My Hotspot is not turned on. My phone records it and says I am at about the same usage. What I also just found was it looks like it was from my dasher app. Had a huge spike tonight for no reason. So I contacted them to see if the could explain it because I have been dashing for years and never had an issue.  What I also need is to see if koodo can tell me exactly what was used/downloaded at this time. 4 gigs in less than 2 hours is more than steaming/downloading a couple full movies at once...

  • Hero
  • October 6, 2022
Jkp wrote:

What I also need is to see if Koodo can tell me exactly what was used/downloaded at this time.

Koodo cannot tell what you used your data for -- only that your phone used it. Your phone pointed it to the Dasher app, and that's as granular as you’re going to get unfortunately...